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Eventpop wallet.png


Ticketing Wallet


Our design team was responsible to redesign the Wallet, an internal term for keeping all user's purchased tickets. The main goal of this design was users should be able to find their purchased items easily.

In 2020, we launched 2 new products on the website, which were vouchers and virtual run registration. We received a lot of feedback from the users that the old Wallet was difficult to find their orders and tickets. Therefore, our team decided to change the visual and designed experience like purchasing a ticket from Travel Agent.

My role: UX/UI Designer
Platforms: Mobile App & Responsive web
Disciplines: UX/UI, Prototyping, User Research/Testing
Tools: Figma
Launch: May 2020

Wallet_ order.jpg

Old Design Problems

These are some of the issues that I received from Customer Support.

  • Users don't verify email and don't remember which email they use to buy tickets.

  • Users can't differentiate between active tickets and used tickets.

  • Users can't find the order number.

  • Users don't know that they can send ticket to friends.

Design Process

Design Process

Design Process


Interviewed customer support and collect problem issues

Design Process

Design Process


Improved on action buttons to lead users to get what they need

Design Process

Design Process


Researched direct and indirect competitors to see how they solve this problem

Design Process

Design Process


Launched first design  and monitored issues from customers for future improvement

Design Process

Design Process


Designed the first draft to test with the internal team

Design Process

Design Process


Improved wording and button label based on feedbacks from users



Change the navigation to the left

I decided to add icons in front of all menu to help users differentiate each menu easily. I still keep the payment tab at the top because users would familiar with this payment status from e-commerce marketplace like Shopee and Lazada.

I also show the user's email at the left panel to remind them which email they use to register the account. Because we will send the E-Ticket to this email. After we launched this version, we received fewer issues about registered email.

Lastly, I solved the order number by changing the word from "Order #"  to "Order No". Our customer supports said that users don't ask them again about where to find the order number.

Show only the important action

I decided to show only 1 button on each ticket card because users often click to view ticket details and QR code to check in the event. For other actions, I decided to put them inside the menu. I think it isn't the best solution yet because users don't really click on the (...) icon. 

Runner Registration.jpg

Use tab to separate active and used tickets

What I have learned from this project?

I’m really proud of this project because it's very challenging to change the whole design and the navigation, which is a totally different experience from other event ticketing platforms. I was worried that the return customers would get lost or complain about the new navigation. One important thing that I improved from doing this project was my UX writing skills. I learned how to choose the right word for the action label because the words on the action button will set the user's expectation. The words have to be direct and lead to the next page. I have to keep in mind that don't confuse the users. 

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